Information for parents, carers, families and social workers
Hartz Scottish Explorers is our only expedition programme in the UK, taking British Exploring Society’s unique approach, based around Adventure, Knowledge and Personal Development, to a slightly more accessible location. Start your journey to Scotland with us today and explore the landscape of the Scottish Highlands.
Whilst this is a complete, self-contained expedition journey in itself, it may also act as a stepping stone onto our international expeditions.
After the expedition I really do feel that I have a greater sense of self-confidence.
Nye - Young Explorer, Hartz Scottish Explorers 2022
Led by experts, the expedition has been designed to take you out of your comfort zone in a challenging yet safe environment, with a real focus on the skills and personal development you will gain from the experience. The safety and support of our Explorers is the cornerstone on which we build and develop an expedition from conception through to departure and return.
The vast majority of young people return from our expeditions with a wealth of new-found practical skills, new friends-for-life and a real sense of personal development – all of which can have tangible benefits for the future.
It doesn't matter where your starting point is; you'll return with more confidence in your own abilities; greater resilience, determination and courage - and a sense of self-belief that will stay with you for life.