Our Annual Young Explorer Awards
Our annual Young Explorer Awards recognise and celebrate young people from each expedition season. Recipients are nominated by their Leaders, fellow Young Explorers and members of the British Exploring Society team.
Nominations are closed for 2024THE AWARDS
The Les Morgan Memorial Award is presented annually to a Young Explorer who has shown exceptional initiative or leadership in adverse circumstances on expedition. For this award, nominations can only be made by our Chief Leaders, in consultation with their expedition leadership team.
We also have The Moodgal Inspiration Award, which is presented annually to a Young Explorer who through their kindness or generosity to others, or through their fundraising efforts, have empowered themselves and inspired and helped others. Nominations for this award can be made by Young Explorers, Leaders, the British Exploring Society team and representatives from our partner organisations.
Our programmes are designed to be challenging, and to give young people the opportunity to undertake a journey of personal development. The nominees are an incredible group, all of whom rose to meet the challenges laid out before them and Found Their Fire.
While there can only be one winner for each award, all of the nominees deserves recognition for embracing and demonstrating our core values whilst on expedition.
Read on to be inspired by the nominees and winners of our 2024 awards.
The inspiring Young Explorers nominated by our Chief Leaders for 2024 are…
And the winner is...
Dangoor Next Generation, Iceland 2024
Nominated by Chief Leader Dan Mazhindu
“Danyal stood out throughout the expedition for his unwavering helpfulness, consistently offering support to both his teammates and leaders. He approached every situation with kindness and thoughtfulness, always considering the needs of others and creating a positive atmosphere wherever he went. His upbeat attitude and determination were particularly remarkable. Danyal faced challenges head-on, demonstrating resilience and an eagerness to push himself. His infectious enthusiasm kept morale high, and his efforts inspired the entire group to stay focused and work together. Danyal’s contributions were essential to the success of the expedition, and he exemplifies the qualities of an outstanding Young Explorer.”
Meet the rest of the inspiring nominees below…

“Throughout the expedition, Rob was consistently helpful, kind, and thoughtful, always going out of his way to support both his peers and the leaders. His cheerful attitude was a constant source of positivity, even during the more challenging moments of the expedition. Rob also demonstrated great determination, tackling every task with enthusiasm and a willingness to push himself beyond his comfort zone. His resilience and upbeat nature not only made a huge impact on the team but also inspired others to stay motivated and engaged.”
Robert, DNG Iceland 2024, Nominated by Chief Leader Dan Mazhindu

"Irys demonstrated a level of maturity, beyond her years, being a key player in rapidly building that team spirit. Some of the other team members struggled initially with extreme weather and making new bonds. Irys was key to seeing them through that. The fitness and diversity of the Fire group was a challenge and again Irys demonstrated the ability to be the cohesion between differing levels. Never complaining, always smiling and motivated others, whom might not have otherwise engaged to take interest in the diverse nature of the environment, flora and fauna.”
Irys, Hartz Islands 2024, Nominated by Chief Leader Graham Johnston

"I'd like to nominate Anni for her kindness towards the group generally and willingness to put herself in the role of mediator when there was conflict and to support other Young Explorers at difficult physical and emotional points during the expedition. I feel that this form of leadership, of supporting and focusing on others, putting their needs and concerns first and easing conflict between people so that they and the group can excel is very much the behaviour I would like to see in tomorrows Leaders.”
Anni, Pinnacle Wild Leadership, Georgia 2024, Nominated by Chief Leader James Dyer

"Rahim’s journey on the Hartz Highlands expedition was nothing short of inspiring. Despite facing extraordinary challenges in his childhood, Rahim’s unwavering positivity and enthusiasm for new opportunities uplifted everyone around him. From the very start, he was generous in sharing his personal story with his Fire team, which not only strengthened their bond but also inspired both Young Explorers and Leaders alike who had the privilege of getting to know him. He has truly embodied the values of British Exploring Society, and has empowered himself and inspired others throughout a journey we know is only just beginning."
Abdulrahim, Hartz Highlands 2024, Nominated by Chief Leader Susannah Cass
The five exemplary Young Explorers nominated by their peers and Leaders are…
And the winner is...
Hartz Highlands 2024
“Rahim came on the expedition looking for a safe supportive environment. What he may not realise was how much his presence in the Fire made everyone else feel at ease, he brought everyone in the group together. Throughout the expedition he kept everyone smiling with his humour, always making silly jokes and including everyone in the fun within the Fire. He always looked out for others on the expedition and helped everyone when needed. We were a Fire from all different backgrounds with very different life experiences and we got on so well and Rahim played a big role in that.”
Meet the rest of the inspiring nominees below…

“Timmy’s demonstrated selflessness inspired others in the Fire to follow suite. He set the benchmark for followership, compassionate engagement and giving without expectation of receipt – something that even the best of us struggle to do. His quiet care allowed the tired and weary to rest and eat well. His laugh became a rallying cry in the near constant rain. His emotional constancy and physical strength allowed the Leaders to count on him to support struggling members and his unassuming quiet nature allowed those in need to receive his support without feeling weak. Even when visibly struggling he would carry equipment for others, wake early to start breakfast and walk with those most in need. His actions allowed him to carve out a very unique and valued space in the Fire.“
Timmy, Hartz Islands 2024

“Jenna showed an endless amount of compassion and kindness by doing things to help and lookout for the whole group, taking the time to ensure that everyone would have plenty of food and supplies during the trip, even if those were supplies she couldn’t consume herself. It’s an indication of a great, selfless leader that’s always thinking of the team and the wider goal. She often carried more than her fair share in weight for the benefit of others. Her selflessness and actions made the team feel valued and kept the team spirit positive throughout the expedition. It inspired others to make acts of kindness without expecting anything back, and comforted many.”
Jenna, Pinnacle Wild Leadership, Georgia 2024

“Before expedition Ellie’s drive to not only fundraise but inform and advocate for the work of British Exploring Society to their network and peers was exceptional. Ellie’s brilliant and candid approach to online advocacy for British Exploring Society is likely to inspire other many other young people to apply for future expeditions. On expedition Ellie was completely dependable, reliable and unflappable even in the most challenging situations and always demonstrated a quiet confidence that could always be relied upon, despite how personally challenged they may have been. Their personal leadership style was an inspiration to others and this came across consistently throughout the expedition.”
Ellie, Pinnacle Wild Leadership, Georgia 2024

“Dan was always looking out for others, asking people how they were each day, including us as leaders! His kindness and politeness in everything that he did inspired others to be kind. Dan’s biggest act of kindness came during the expedition on the day we were summitting Askja Volcano. Dan selflessly volunteered (before we had even asked the Young Explorers who would mind volunteering) to stay behind at camp with an injured Young Explorer who could not summit. Despite the fact that Dan was so looking forward to summiting the volcano himself – His words to us as Leaders were ‘I’ll take one for the team’.”
Danyal, DNG Iceland 2024